
Unser Deckrüde! Our Stud Dog!

Spermiogramm vorhanden! Überdurchschnittliche Qualität! Chilled or frozen semen available!

Deutschlands erster UK Champion, CC, RCC und UK Best of Breed Gewinner!
Lebenslänglich Crufts nominiert!
“Res. Stafford of the Year 2011” in England
Finalist Eukanuba World Challenge Germany 2011
Europa Sieger 2013
Deutscher Champion VDH, Deutscher Club Champion, Bundes Veteranen Sieger 2017, Veteranen Weltsieger 2017


Name: UK.Ch./Ger.Ch. It’s Prince Naseem Great ‘n Glory

Rufname: Nas

Geboren: 15.09.2009

Größe: 40cm

Gewicht: 15,42 kg (gemessen und gewogen UK Show 2011)

Vater: InterCh. Bsg. Foxstaff off the Richter with Ramblestaff (UK)

Mutter: MultiCh., Inter.Ch., Ch. VDH, Ch. ÖKV, Ch. SKG Chasey-Lane Great ‘n Glory (D)

Besitzer: Weiss 27239 Twistringen

Besuchte Ausstellungen
28.04.2013WELKS/UKChampionship Show

1st Open

CC Winner

Best of Breed (von 154 SBT)


Mr Colin Powell (UK)

Internationale Hundeausstellung


Vorzüglich 1, VDH CAC, Club CAC,

Best of Breed,

Bester Terrier der Show/ Gewinner Gruppe 3

Herr Josef Schneider (Austria)
13.10.2012Wales/UKChampionship Show1st Open, Dog Res.CC Winner
Mrs J. McLauchlan (UK)

Nationale Hundeausstellung


Vorzüglich 1, VDH CAC, Club CAC,

Best of Breed,

Best of Bullbreeds,

Res. Best in Show

Herr Dr. Wilfried Peper (D)

Frau Cornelia Bergundthal (Schweiz)

19.01.2012Staffordshire/UKChampionship Show Manchester

1st Open Class

Dog CC Winner

Best of Breed (von 164 SBT)

4th Terrier Group

Mrs Audrey Hubery (Nozac, UK)
13.11.2011Coventry/UKStafford of the Year ShowRes. Stafford of the YearMrs J. MC Lauchlan (Darcy, UK), Mrs Dr. S. Hemstock (Jolihem, UK), Mr F. Gadd (Gadkeys, UK)
08.10.2011Bristol/UKWestern Championship Show2nd Open Class (von 18 Top Rüden)Mrs Jayne Winrow (Jayneze, UK)
31.07.2011Bremen/DeutschlandNationale Hundeausstellung CAC

Vorzüglich 1, VDH CAC, Club CAC, Best of Breed


Gewinner Gruppe 3

Terrier Gruppe 1. Platz

Herr Dr. Wilfried Peper (Deutschland)

Herr Erwin Deutscher (Österreich)

24.07.2011Leeds/EnglandChampionship Show

1st Yearling


Mr. Steve Whitehouse (Friarstaff, UK)
23.07.2011Notts&Derby/EnglandOpen Show2nd YearlingMrs. Karon Johnson (Tillcarr, UK)

Terrier Spezialschau


Vorzüglich 1. VDH CAC, Club CAC, Best of Breed, Zwischenklasse

Frau L. Onghena-de Ridder


30.05.2011East Anglian/EnglandChampionship Show

1st Yearling

Res. CC

Res. Best in Show

(von 249 StaffBulls)

Herr Craig Dillon (Craigails, UK)

Herr Craig Dillon (UK)


Frau Elaine Norton (Tikkurilan, UK)


Nationale Hundeausstellung


Vorzüglich 1, CAC, Club CAC, Best of Breed,Zwischenklasse

Terrier Gruppe 1. Platz

Best in Show 2. Platz (von 1.600 Hunden)

Herr Dr. Eugene Yerusalimsky (Russland)

Herr Hans Erhard Grüttner (Deutschland)

Frau Elena Yerusalimskaya (Russland)


Nationale Hundeausstellung


Vorzüglich 1, CAC, Res. Club CAC,  Zwischenklasse


Frau Martha Heine (Deutschland)



Vorzüglich 1, CAC, Club CAC, Best of Breed,Zwischenklasse

Best in Show von 400 Hunden (Bester Hund der gesamten Show)

Frau Heliane Maissen-Jarisch (Austria)

Frau Phyllis Poduschka-Aigner (Austria)

19.03.2011Recklinghausen/GermanyCAC Gemeinschafts-RassehundeschauVorzüglich 1, CAC, Res. Club CAC, ZwischenklasseFrau Monika Blaha (Austria)
12.03.2011Birmingham/UKCrufts 2011

2nd Junior Class,

3rd Yearling Class

Crufts 2012 qualifiziert!

Mr Tony Brindley (UK)

21.11.2010South Wales/UKSBT Club Championship ShowRes. Yearling ClassMr Steven Tooze (UK)
24.10.2010Southern Counties/UKChampionship Show

2nd Yearling Class, 3rd Junior Class

2 x Crufts 2011 qualifiziert!

Mr Larry Lunn (UK)
25.07.2010Notts and Derby/UKNotts and Derby District Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club Championship Show

2nd, Puppy Class

Crufts 2011 qualifiziert!

Herr Peter Rhodes (England)
24.07.2010Leeds/UKLeeds Championship ShowVHC, Puppy ClassHerr Jamie Macie (England)



Vorzüglich 1, (Jugendklasse), VDH Jgd. CAC, Club Jgd. CAC

Top 5 der besten Jugendhunde aller Terrierrassen

Herr Dr. Wilfried Peper (Deutschland)
23.05.2010Billerbeck/GermanyLG 4 GB-F SpezialschauVielversprechend 1  JüngstenklasseHerr Josef Schneider (Österreich)
Richterbewertungen in England

Super b/brindle of 20 months. Terrific head properties, clean & unexaggerated. Blunt muzzle of correct proportions to skull and houses large dentition. His front is of good width and with correct depth of brisket to balance. He displays nice taper from shoulder thru rib when viewed from above, and in profile exhibit’s a very pleasing topline leading to well set pelvis and rear construction. His correctness throughout in conformation was evident in his movement which was first class both ways & in profile.
East Anglian Championship Show 30.05.2011
Craig Dillon (Craigails)

Dog CC Winner & BOS & 1. Yearling Class Championship Show Leeds, UK 24.07.11
Weiss’ It’s Prince Naseem Great ‘n Glory.
B/B of outstanding breed type. Fits the standard really well. Good strong head, not overdone. Very good dentition. Good ear carraige. Very good front. Strong pasterns. Tidy feet. Lovely topline. well angulated backend. Moved and showed himself off to perfection on a hot day. Awarded him the dog CC without hesitation. Well done.
Steve Whitehouse (Friarstaff)

DOG CC & Best of Breed Winner Championship Show Manchester 19.01.2012
Open 1st. Weiss; It’ s Prince Naseem Great’n Glory.
blackbrindle who excels in quality the standard was written for this Stafford.
Through my classes I was looking for breed type, standard not overdone. No exaggerations for me this dog had it. 16 inch 38 lb. head in proportion to his compact body, very keen expression, dark round eyes nicely filled in under the eyes, black nose and lips, good mouth with big teeth he was clean underjaw with powerful neck tapering into well laid shoulders, leg length was just right ample brisket to balance his short back and level topline with excellent tuck up hindquarters were strong without being over angulated, he moved so effortlessly maybe a smidgeon close but the perfect Stafford has not been bred yet. This dog is so full of breed type and a bonus he had ring presence and was handled to advantage. He was my C.C. B.O.B with joint decision from Tom Hehir. The dog did not disgrace the breed in the group where he attained group 4 very well done and thank you for the privilege of judging a fine example of the breed.
Audrey Hubery (Nozac)
